Its in the Name...

Friday, July 30, 2004


wow...havnt blog for almost a mth already...are they going to kick me out?...
why do pple have so much time to blog? they really have so many things to say? they have a life?..(oops..mite offend some hard-core bloggers yah?...hehe)..

well lets see..wat have i been doing the past few weeks ...serving my liabilty as usual..been hanging out a lot with the evergreen gang...though our 'head honcho' is not around ..hahah
late night supper and clubbing over the weekend is a little crazy, with the amount of booze, no wonder i feel that my belly is getting a little bigger...hehe..

glad the jongs are back together sure they sorted things out...just another rough patch that i guess most couples go through...i hope the linreds are fine for the 'rock god' and his 'goddess'...havnt seen them for some time already..last i heard was he was on a rock tour in thailand..jamming away...Dan the man and his sweet should be fine i guess, both happily gaming away..(dun spoil ya eyes yah?)...he should be back from his convocation for Slim Shady Fang aka Head Honcho the birthday boy and Missy G..they should be really busy now coz term has started...kinda miss their presence actually...

hiaz...this sun's chalet will miss out a couple of pple..but i guess its gonna be good...hopefully the next time Everyone is back, we'll have a bigger party....and when will that be?...

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

no time to blog lah......

ok..ill spend a min here...i just realise ive been neglecting this blog....
no time lah...
well..woke up @ 7,marchmarchmarch,tourDeBedok/LorDuKaCheng, blogging..
logging off..