Its in the Name...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

End of 1st Quarter

The 1st quarter of 2006 is coming to an end.

Sometimes i really wonder what have I achieved so far this year?...or rather what have I not?.
Guess i've to list out the things I need to do and set some dealines...

The 10 Commands I give myself...

1. Be fully prepared for the coming exams.
2. Complete the Fund Managers Licence by June.
3. Set all the paper work for ANTICS
4. Restore the 2 pieces of art.
5. Launch the website.
6. 2.4 under 10.
7. To install brake kit & Nex suspension system by June.
8. Prepare a memorable & exciting plan for the camp.
9. To go visit grandad in Shantou before its too late.
10.To write a good analyst report.

He will help me ...


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